Anyways today I was talking a friend about how some Christian Bands were unbending in their faith of Jesus, they didn't care who knew... But then there are so-called "Christian" bands that try to distance themselves unless its beneficial to themselves...
Those who don't know, I really like music, I can't sing, I can't play, so about all I can do is listen... And I had for a few months gotten into a lot of praise music. I like it, but not as much as more rocky type music. So after a few months of listening and enjoying it, I decided to see what Christian bands were similar to the secular bands I like. Supertones came up... I think I really like the horns in unison with the rest of the music, it almost makes it bouncy. They sound a lot like Reel Big Fish, but not secular. Almost every song I have of them singing is about Christ. I especially like this song: , and this one too: , and this one:
well anyways... I am really feeling blessed by this music, Audio Adrenaline is another one I am currently liking.
Well me being one to want to listen to new music, I had heard of a band, The Fray, that my boss liked. I didn't particularly like the songs they sang, not that they were bad, just not my taste... well one day I heard someone say that they were Christian, I was like cool... Maybe I misjudged them... So I went looking around the interweb. and saw an article on Christianity Today, I was reading it and then I didn't want anything more to do with The Fray... Here's why:
The band avoided Christian record labels, saying God called them to the secular market instead. "I feel he would be disappointed with us if we limited ourselves," Wysocki says.
Slade says he used to "write all Christian lyrics" until he had an epiphany while working a shift at Starbucks: "None of my friends outside the church understood any of my songs; we had a different set of vocabulary," he says. "So I went home and threw away all those songs."
He adds, "If I handed somebody a double grande mocha latte and told them, 'Jesus loves you and has a wonderful plan for your life,' they might throw it back on me. (So what! At least you tried).
"If we grow up in the church, it's easy to think it's our Christian duty to preach to every single person because God is the most important thing. And he is, but I'm a musician first. This is my job. We're not pastors. We're not preachers. We're not even missionaries."
Slade likens his job to any other. "If you're a painter, paint, but you don't have to have Jesus in every picture(Why not?). Paint well, and if you paint well enough, they might ask you why you do that."
See how this would make me upset... What they are saying is totally opposite of what we should be doing. We should make Christ part of everything in our lives. Not just do it when we are comfortable, or when it is convenient. That way people aren't just wondering "Why do you do that?" Making Christ the focus of everything you do, People will ask "Why do you do this for Jesus? How can Jesus work through me? How can I have Jesus in my life just like He is in yours?"Why would you claim to be followers of Christ and then hide your faith when you have the greatest opportunity to share it? This angers me, but also shows how I am a hider of my faith when it is inconvenient.
I dunno why this made me angry... I'm not even a fan of their music... its too sappy...
That reminds me of the country music scene. I've listened to it for years, telling myself it is superior to other kinds of secular music because many of the artists sing Christian songs. Then I picked up an album the other day by a popular artist and saw that it had my old favorite hymn at the end of the list. I thought, I've never heard that on the radio. That just not the kind of thing that sells. Sad really. And the music they do play isn't glorifying to God at all. Even though the pickins are slim, I keep tuning in and turning on true Christian music. It always gets me right where God wants me to be.
"We're not pastors. We're not preachers. We're not even missionaries."
That is really disappointing! Someone needs to remind these folks about Matthew 28: 18-20.
"Then Jesus came to them and said, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.""
When they're in the position that they have "the greatest opportunity to share," as Paul put it, we need to be praying that God would send His Holy Spirit and convict every member of that band.
It sounds like some of them have some Christian background, we need to pray that they would be the seed that falls on good soil, not among those who hear the word, rejoice, and then fall away because of persecution.
When Jesus is truly your greatest Treasure, you want to sing about Him, work for Him, make Him known to everyone. May each of us, especially me, desire above all else,Jesus; and to make Him known to others and to the nations.
Thanks for the post Paul.
I love music but I haven't bought any new christian music in year, only because I didn't know who to buy. Paul thanks for the chance to hear some true choices. I really enjoyed listening and reading. Love ya
your sis Rachael
If you want some good music recommendations, let me know. I can give you years worth of listening.
WOW! Thanks for all the comments... And we all know that you, Aaron, are the King of all music... Thanks again all... Sorry for the lack of posting...
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