Wednesday, July 15, 2009

This is for you serious blog readers.


Raylene said...

I know that is your hand on the left Paul, but you must be out of clothes if you are wearing pink pj pants. The toe nail polish... You're an adult now I guess.

Paul said...

I took the picture. Melanie was holding Henry.

Raylene said...

I know... it was a joke you see...

Becca Masnick said...

I totally love this picture...Cowboy Henry! I guess I will have to get another horse so my nephews & nieces can learn to ride....

Rachael said...

You can keep the horse here if you get Uncle David's okay. He is so cute.

HyperElbow said...

Wow, if I get him some boots, will you start a ranch?! Horses would be awesome. I was just telling Eleanor about my Uncle John Henry's beef cattle farm I visited growing up. We might see him in Texas soon. I got to ride a huge horse with my Uncle. I don't think he has horses anymore, or cows. Oh well.

Becca Masnick said...

I would love to have horses again! I would so totally teach my girls & all my nephews & nieces how to ride! WHOO HOO! ooops....YEE HAWW! I think I can still pull that one off...HA HA!

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